World in Peril: The Chosen Three

Created by: Drahveson
Started: Mar 3, 2014
Finished: Aug 13, 2014
Genre: Parody (???)
Synopsis: Once upon a time, in a world far far away, long ago in the future, there was a guy who had to save the world from the evil force. It's not to easy because the force of evil is very evil and mean and the spread out far away across the lang. Thomas the Chosen Hero and he had to save the world but that's not what this story is about. This story is about Young Donald; a son of a butcher and his mother was a baker and he is inspired in his youth to become a candlestick maker. This was his only dream and purpose in his world until his town is got fire by the evil overlord. He, alongside Anita and Juliander, had to defeat evil with the power of butching, baking, and candlestick making as maids.
One thing to note: N/A
Link: Watch Series Here